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Mark 6:1-6

Don't be a Certified Hater-  Some are qualified and certified to hate everything and everybody 
~Everybody ain’t happy for you, even if its smiling faces
~God blesses each of us differently, don't be jealous of your neighbors blessing
~Line yourself up,  get in the position, & receive what God has for you, handle your business with God

Verse 2 Concept of Jesus
~They (people)knew Jesus but didn’t believe in him 
~They knew the carpenter, Mary son, brother of James, Joses, Juda, and Simon and had some sisters too!
~But they didn’t recognize His glory and mission
~That’s why you got to say out of other folks business
~You got 6 months take yours +6 months to leave mine alone

Verse 3  Content of Jesus
~They identifed Jesus as just a common man- they were offended 

Verse 4  Jesus'Conclusion of them 
~God has all power in His hands 

~Learn to Walk away, Jesus did and let them think whatever wanted about him and continued his mission.